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研究方向: 高性能计算机体系结构、操作系统及并行算法优化
近期研究兴趣: 内存和新型存储体系结构、数据中心网络、数据安全
1989.9-1994.7 | 中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系学习,获学士学位 |
1994.9-1997.7 | 中国科学院计算技术研究所计算机体系结构专业学习,获硕士学位 |
1997.9-2000.7 | 中国科学院计算技术研究所智能中心在职攻读博士,获计算机体系结构专业博士学位 |
2000.9-2003.5 | 中国科学院计算技术研究所信息安全实验室工作 |
2000.9 | 任副研究员 |
2002.7 | 任硕士生导师 |
2003.6-2005.6 | 中国科学院计算技术研究所智能中心先进系统实验室,项目组长 |
2005.6-2011.9 | 中科院计算所计算机体系结构国家重点实验室高性能计算机体系结构组组长。 |
2005.12 | 任研究员 |
2008.3 | 任博士生导师 |
2008.10-2009.4 | 美国佐治亚理工学院HPCLab访问学者 |
2011.9-2013.11 | 中国科学院计算技术研究所先进计算机系统实验室系统结构组组长。 |
2013.11-2015.4 | 中国科学院计算技术研究所先进计算机系统研究中心数据系统实验室主任 |
2015.4-2016.12 | 中国科学院计算技术研究所先进计算机系统研究中心硬件系统实验室主任 |
2016.9- | 中国科学院大学计算机科学与技术学院岗位教授 |
2017.1- | 中国科学院计算技术研究所先进计算机系统研究中心系统结构实验室主任 |
2007 and before
- ○ Yue Jin, Yibin Xu, Chengyuan Yang, Han Wang, Tianyi Huang, Tianyue Lu, Mingyu Chen, "DASICS: Enhancing Memory Protection with Dynamic Compartmentalization", arxiv.org:2310.06435, Oct. 2023
- ○ Luming Wang, Xu Zhang, Songyue Wang, Zhuolun Jiang, Tianyue Lu, Mingyu Chen, Siwei Luo, Keji Huang, "Asynchronous Memory Access Unit: Exploiting Massive Parallelism for Far Memory Access", ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization(TACO), 9th May 2024,https://doi.org/10.1145/3663479
- ○ Yang-Yang Zhao, Ming-Yu Chen, Yu-Hang Liu, Zong-Hao Yang, Xiao-Jing Zhu, Zong-Hui Hong, Yun-Ge Guo. “IMPULP: A Hardware Approach for In-Process Memory Protection via User-Level Partitioning”. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2020, 35(2): 418-432.
- ○ Wenli Zhang,Ke Liu,Yifan Shen,Yazhu Lan,Hui Song,Mingyu Chen, “Labeled Network Stack: A high-concurrency and low-tail latency cloud server framework for massive iot devices.”, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 35(1): 179–193, Jan. 2020, DOI 10.1007/s11390-020-9651-x.
- ○ Zehan Cui, Tianyue Lu,Sally A. McKee,Mingyu Chen, Haiyang Pan,Yuan Ruan,”Twin-Load: Bridging the Gap between Conventional Direct-Attached and Buffer-on-Board Memory Systems”,The International Sysmposium on Memory Systems(MemSYS), Oct. 2016,Washington DC, USA.
- ○ LiCheng Chen, MingYu Chen, Yuan Ruan, YongBing Huang, ZeHan Cui, TianYue Lu, YunGang Bao. “MIMS:Towards a Message Interface Based Memory System”,Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST) , 2014,V29(2): 255-272
- ○ Yongbing Huang, Licheng Chen, Zehan Cui, Yuan Ruan, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun,”HMTT: A hybrid hardware/software tracing system for bridging the DRAM access trace’s semantic gap”,ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),Volume 11(1),No.7,2014.2
- ○ Jiajia Li, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun: “SMAT: an input adaptive auto-tuner for sparse matrix-vector multiplication.”, 34th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation(PLDI),June 17, 2013,Seattle, Washington, USA,117-126
- ○ Lei Liu, Zehan Cui, Mingjie Xing, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Chengyong Wu: A software memory partition approach for eliminating bank-level interference in multicore systems., Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2012),PP 367-376 , Minneapolis, MN, USA,September 19-23, 2012
- ○ Erlin Yao, Rui Wang, Mingyu Chen, Guangming Tan, Ninghui Sun,A Case Study of Designing Efficient Algorithm-based Fault Tolerant Application for Exascale Parallelism. Proceeding of the 26th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), ShangHai, China, May 22-24, 2012.
- ○ Qingbo Yuan, Jianbo Zhao, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun, GenerOS: An Asymmetric Operating System Kernel for Multi-core Systems,IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’10) Atlanta, USA,April 2010
- ○ Jianwei Xu, Mingyu Chen, Gui Zheng, Zheng Cao, Huiwei lv, Ninghui Sun,“SimK: a Parallel Simulation Engine towards Shared-memory Mulitprocessor”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology 24(6):2009.11,p1048-1060
- ○ Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen,Yuan Ruan, Li Liu, Qingbo Yuan, Bo Song, Jianwei Xu, Jianping Fan, “HMTT: A Platform Independent Full-System Memory Trace Monitoring System, ACM SIGMETRICS 2008, Annapolis, MD,USA, June 2-6, 2008.
- ○ 孙凝晖 李凯 陈明宇,HPP:一种支持高性能和效用计算的体系结构,《计算机学报》,Vol. 31 No.9 2008, pp 1503-1508
- ○ 樊建平 陈明宇, “网格化的动态自组织高性能计算机体系结构DSAG”, 《计算机研究与发展》,Vol 40, No 12,2003年12月
- ○ 王浩昆,张文力,张钊,陈明宇,"LightShaper:一个高精度通用流量整形工具[J]",《高技术通讯》,2024,34(11):1178~1188
- ○ Luming Wang, Xu Zhang, Songyue Wang, Zhuolun Jiang, Tianyue Lu, Mingyu Chen, Siwei Luo, Keji Huang, "Asynchronous Memory Access Unit: Exploiting Massive Parallelism for Far Memory Access[j]", ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization(TACO), May 9th 2024, https://doi.org/10.1145/3663479
- ○ Yuhang Liu, Xin Deng, Jiapeng Zhou, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao, "Suppressing the Interference within a Datacenter: Theorems, Metric and Strategy", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS),Jan. 16th 2024, https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2024.3354418
- ○ Yuhang Liu, Mingyu Chen,"Planaria: Full Pattern Directed Heterogeneous Hardware Prefetcher with Efficient Bypass" , 61st Design Automation Conference(DAC),JUNE 23-27, 2024, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA
- ○ 王浩昆,张文力,张钊,陈明宇,"LightShaper:一个高精度通用流量整形工具[J]",《高技术通讯》,2024,34(11):1178~1188
- ○ Xu Zhang, Tianyue Lu, Yisong Chang, Ke Zhang and Mingyu Chen,"Morpheus: An Adaptive DRAM Cache with Online Granularity Adjustment for Disaggregated Memory",2023 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD),November 6 – 8, 2023, Washington DC, US
- ○ Yuxiao Chen, Yisong Chang, Ke Zhang, Mingyu Chen and Yungang Bao, "REMU: Enabling Cost-Effective Checkpointing and Deterministic Replay in FPGA-based Emulation.",2023 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD),November 6 – 8, 2023, Washington DC, US
- ○ Xu Zhang, Yisong Chang, Tianyue Lu, Ke Zhang and Mingyu Chen, "Rethinking Design Paradigm of Graph Processing System with a CXL-like Memory Semantic Fabric," 2023 IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 25-35, doi: 10.1109/CCGrid57682.2023.00013.
- ○ Yue Jin, Yibin Xu, Chengyuan Yang, Han Wang, Tianyi Huang, Tianyue Lu, Mingyu Chen, "DASICS: Enhancing Memory Protection with Dynamic Compartmentalization",arxiv.org:2310.06435, Oct. 2023
- ○ 李海锋, 刘珂, 陈明宇. "软硬件协同的远端内存系统研究". 《高技术通讯》, 2023 Vol.(10).
- ○ 沈逸凡;张文力;刘珂;陈明宇,"面向应用定义优先级调度的用户态协议栈研究",《高技术通讯》, 2023 Vol.(8).
- ○ 齐乐,常轶松,陈欲晓,等. "基于SoC-FPGA的RISC-V处理器软硬件系统级平台[J]". 《计算机研究与发展》,2023,60(6):
- ○ Haifeng Li, Ke Liu, Ting Liang, Zuojun Li, Tianyue Lu, Hui Yuan, Yinben Xia, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Yizhou Shan,“MARB: Bridge the Semantic Gap between Operating System and Application Memory Access Behavior",Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) , 17-19 April, 2023,Antwerp,BE
- ○ Haifeng Li, Ke Liu, Ting Liang, Zuojun Li, Tianyue Lu, Hui Yuan, Yinben Xia, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Yizhou ,"HoPP: Hardware-Software Co-Designed Page Prefetching for Disaggregated Memory", The 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-29),Feb. 25-Mar. 01 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada
- ○ Yuhang Liu, Xin Deng, Jiapeng Zhou, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao,"Ah-Q: Quantifying and Handling the Interference within a Datacenter from a System Perspective", The 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-29),Feb. 25-Mar. 01 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada
- ○ Hui Song, Wenli Zhang, Mingyu Chen,"MCCBench: A C10M Benchmark Oriented to Interactive Network Services",The 14th BenchCouncil International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimizing (Bench 2022), Nov 7-9, 2022
- ○ Hongrui Guo, Wenli Zhang, Zishu Yu, Mingyu Chen,"Queueing-Theoretic Performance Analysis of a Low-Entropy Labeled Network Stack",Intelligent Computing(J),Article ID 9863054,2022
- ○ WL Zhang, YF Shen, H Song, Zh Zhang, K Liu, Q Huang, MY Chen,"QStack: Re-architecting User-space Network Stack to Optimize CPU Efficiency and Service Quality",https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.08432, Oct.2022
- ○ Jinjie Ruan, Yisong Chang, Ke Zhang, Kan Shi, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao,"Increasing Flexibility of Cloud FPGA Virtualization",International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications(FPL), Belfast, UK.,Aug. 2022
- ○ Songyue Wang, Luming Wang,Tianyue Lu ,Mingyu Chen,"Architecture and RISC-V ISA Extension Supporting Asynchronous and Flexible Parallel Far Memory Access",The Sixth Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V (CARRV 2022), New York, USA. ,June 19th, 2022
- ○ Luming Wang, Xu Zhang, Tianyue Lu, Mingyu Chen, "Asynchronous memory access unit for general purpose processors",BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks,Standards and Evaluations,2 (2022) 100061, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbench.2022.100061
○ Luming Wang, Xu Zhang, Tianyue Lu, Mingyu Chen,”Asynchronous Memory Access Unit for General Purpose Processors”,arxiv.org:2112.13306
○ 潘海洋,刘宇航,卢天越,陈明宇,"外部高速缓存与非易失内存结合的混合内存体系结构特性评测",《高技术通讯》,2021年05期
○ Hui Song , Wenli Zhang , Ke Liu , Yifan Shen and Mingyu Chen. “HCMonitor: An Accurate Measurement System for High Concurrent Network Services. “, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience[J],April 2021,https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.6081
○ Haiyang Pan, Yuhang Liu, Tianyue Lu, Mingyu Chen, “LSP: Collective Cross-Page Prefetching for NVM”,Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference(DATE-2021),01-05,Feburary 2021
- ○ Yifan Shen, Ke Liu, Ziting Guo, Wenli Zhang, Guanghui Zhang, Vaneet Aggarwal and Mingyu Chen, “Freeway: an order-less user-space framework for non-real-time applications”, The 22nd IEEE International Conference no High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2020), FIji, 14-16 December 2020
- ○ Tianyue Lu, Haiyang Pan, Mingyu Chen,”Measurement of Intel AEP Optane DIMM”, arXiv:2009.14469
- ○ 张旭,常轶松,张科,陈明宇,“面向图计算应用的处理器访存通路优化设计与实现”,《国防科技大学学报》,2020,42(2):13-22
- ○ Yifan Shen, Ke Liu, Ziting Guo, Wenli Zhang, Guanghui Zhang, Vaneet Aggarwal and Mingyu Chen, ” Freeway: An Order-less User-space Framework for Non-real-time Applications “, (short paper) Proc. 17th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF’20),225-228,1-10 June, 2020, Catania, Sicily, Italy
- ○ 赵然,常轶松,刘波,刘超伟,陈明宇,张科. SoPC FPGA云平台软硬件协同交互框架[J]. 高技术通讯,2020,30(4):342-347.
- ○ 赵阳洋,陈明宇,金旭,阮元,张雪琳.”基于标准DDR总线的内存扩展芯片的设计与实现”,《高技术通讯》, 2020, (3): 233~239
- ○ Yang-Yang Zhao, Ming-Yu Chen, Yu-Hang Liu, Zong-Hao Yang, Xiao-Jing Zhu, Zong-Hui Hong, Yun-Ge Guo. “IMPULP: A Hardware Approach for In-Process Memory Protection via User-Level Partitioning”. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2020, 35(2): 418-432.
- ○ Wenli Zhang,Ke Liu,Yifan Shen,Yazhu Lan,Hui Song,Mingyu Chen, “Labeled Network Stack: A high-concurrency and low-tail latency cloud server framework for massive iot devices.”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 35(1): 179–193, Jan. 2020, DOI 10.1007/s11390-020-9651-x.
○ Haifeng Li, Tianyue Lu, Yuhang Liu and Mingyu Chen, “Make Page Coloring More Efficient on Slice-based Three-Level Cache. “, In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, (ICPADS’19), pages 310, Tianjin, China, December 4-6, 2019.
○ Wenqing Wu, Xiao Feng,Wenli Zhang,Mingyu Chen, “MCC: a Predictable and Scalable Massive Client Load Generator.”, International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimization(Bench’19), Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov 14-16, 2019
○ Yangyang Zhao, Yuhang Liu, Wei Li, Mingyu Chen,” HCMA: Supporting High Concurrency of Memory Accesses with Scratchpad Memory in FPGAs”, 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage(NAS 2019). Enshi ,China, August 15-17 2019..
○ Hui Song , Wenli Zhang , Ke Liu , Yifan Shen and Mingyu Chen. “HCMonitor: An Accurate Measurement System for High Concurrent Network Services. “, 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage(NAS 2019). Enshi ,China, August 15-17 2019.
○ Haiyang Pan, Yuhang Liu, Tianyue Lu, and Mingyu Chen,”Characterizations and Architectural Implications of NVM’s External DRAM Cache.”, Proc. of the 21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2019),373-380, 10-12 August 2019, Zhangjiajie, China.
○ 李作骏,陈明宇,秦晓宁,”一种支持DDR4的软硬件结合的访存踪迹收集分析工具集”,《计算机工程与科学》,2019,41(6):973-980. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-130X.2019.06.003.
○ Ke Liu , Zhongbin Zha ,Wanwenkai,Vaneet Aggarwal,Binzhang Fu and Mingyu Chen,”Optimizing TCP Loss Recovery Performance over Mobile Data Networks”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 18, 2019(6),1401-1419
○ Ke Zhang, Yisong Chang, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao, and Zhiwei Xu. “Computer Organization and Design Course with FPGA Cloud.”, In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 927-933. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3287324.3287475
○ 郭云格, 陈明宇, 蒋德钧.,“通过差值和压缩减少SSD的擦除次数”,《计算机科学与探索》, 2019, 13(01):49-59.
○ 张军,侯锐,詹志远,张立新,陈明宇,孟丹, “基于硬件的代码复用攻击防御机制综述”, 《高技术通讯》, 2018.4.20, 28(4): 299~312
○ Xiaojing Zhu, Mingyu Chen, Yangyang Zhao, Zonghui Hong, Yunge Guo,”PULP: Inner-process Isolation based on the Program Counter and Data Memory Address”, https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.03379
○ Jun Zhang, Rui Hou, Wei Song, Zhiyuan Zhan, Boyan Zhao, Mingyu Chen, Dan Meng,”Stateful Forward-Edge CFI Enforcement with Intel MPX“, Proceedings of Conference on Advanced Computer Architecture 2018,Yingkou,2018.8.9,PP 79-94
○ Jiutian Zhang, Yuhang Liu, Haifeng Li, Xiaojing Zhu, Mingyu Chen,”PTAT: An Efficient and Precise Tool for Tracing and Profiling Detailed TLB Misses”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Volumn 17, Issue 3, Article 62, May 2018
○ Jun Zhang, Rui Hou, Wei Song, Sally A. Mckee, Zhen Jia, Chen Zheng, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang, and Dan Meng. 2018. RAGuard: An Efficient and User-Transparent Hardware Mechanism against ROP Attacks. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim (TACO) . 15, 4, Article 50 (November 2018), 21 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3280852
○ Wenli Zhang, Ke Liu, Hui Song, Lan Yu, Mingyu Chen, “Labeled Network Stack: A Co-Designed Stack for Low Tail-Latancy and High Concurrency in Datacenter Services”, The 15th Annual IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing(NPC), Muroran, Hokkaido, Nov. 29 – Dec 1,2018
○ Jie Wu, Binzhang Fu, Mingyu Chen,”Stem: A Table-Based Congestion Control Framework for Virtualized Data Center Networks”,Proceedings of IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing(NPC),2017 , P122-126
○ Tianyue Lu, Yuhang Liu, Haiyang Pan and Mingyu Chen,”TDV cache: Organizing Off-Chip DRAM Cache of NVMM from a Fusion Perspective”,The 35th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD),November 5 – 8, 2017, BostonArea,Massachusetts, USA
○ Wei wei,Dejun Jiang,Jin Xiong,Mingyu Chen, “HAP: Hybrid-Memory-Aware Partition in Shared Last-Level Cache”, ACM Transactions onArchitecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Volume 14 Issue 3, September 2017 , Article No. 24
○ 魏薇,蒋德钧,熊劲,陈明宇,“基于非易失存储器件的内存键值存储系统的性能研究”,《高技术通讯》,2017,Vol 27 (6), pp 519~529
○ Ke Liu,Vaneet Aggarwal,Ziyu Shao,Mingyu Chen,”Joint Upload-Download TCP Acceleration Over Mobile Data Networks”,IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking(SECON), 12-14 June 2017 ,San Diego, CA, USA
○ Jiutian Zhang, Yuhang Liu, Xiaojing Zhu, Yuan Ruan and Mingyu Chen,Poster: “PTAT: An Efficient and Precise Tool for Collecting Detailed TLB Miss Traces”,IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software(ISPASS),April 24-25, 2017,Santa Rosa,CA,USA
○ Sheng Xu, Jie Wu, Binzhang Fu, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang,”Efficient Regional Congestion Awareness (ERCA) for Load Balance with Aggregated Congestion Information”,25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP),2017 P93-99
○ Xiuxia Zhang, Guangming Tan, Shuangbai Xue, Jiajia Li, Keren Zhou,Mingyu Chen,“Understanding the GPU Microarchitecture to Achieve Bare-Metal Performance Tuning”,Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming(PPoPP),P31-43,Austin, Texas, USA — February 04 – 08, 2017
○ Zehan Cui, Tianyue Lu,Sally A. McKee,Mingyu Chen, Haiyang Pan,Yuan Ruan,”Twin-Load: Bridging the Gap between Conventional Direct-Attached and Buffer-on-Board Memory Systems”,The International Sysmposium on Memory Systems(MemSYS), Oct. 2016,Washington DC, USA.
○ Ke Zhang, Lei Yu, Hongxia Zhang, Ran Zhao, Yisong Chang, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang,”Co-DIMM: Inter-socket Data Sharing with Common DIMM Channel”,The International Sysmposium on Memory Systems(MemSYS), Oct. 2016,Washington DC, USA.
○ Yisong Chang, Ke Zhang, Sally A. McKee, Lixin Zhang, Mingyu Chen, Liqiang Ren and Zhiwei Xu,”Extending On-Chip Interconnects for Rack-Level Remote Resource Access”,The 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design(ICCD) ,October 3-5, 2016,Phoenix, USA
○ Zhuang Wang, Ke Liu, Yifan Shen, Jack YB Lee, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang,”Intra-host Rate Control with Centralized Approach”,2016 IEEE International Conference on, Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 384-387. Taipei Taiwan,2016.9.13-15
○ Long Li,Ke Liu,Binzhang Fu,Mingyu Chen,Lixin Zhang,”Isolating bandwidth guarantees from work conservation in the cloud”, Proceedings of the Twenty-First IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications(ISCC)pp967-972. 27-30 June, 2016, Messina, Italy.
○ Ke Liu,Zhuang Wang,Jack Y. B. Lee,Mingyu Chen,Lixin Zhang ,”Adaptive Rate Control over Mobile Data Networks with Heuristic Rate Compensations”,IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), June 20-21 2016,Beijing China
○ Zhuang Wang, Ke Liu, Long Li, Weiyi Chen, Mingyu Chen and Lixin Zhang,”A Novel Approach for All-to-All Routing in All-optical Hypersquare Torus Network”,ACM Computing Frontiers (CF), May 16 – 18, 2016, Como, Italy
○ 崔泽汉,陈明宇,大容量DRAM的刷新开销问题及优化技术综述,《计算机研究与发展》,Vol.53 (2): 416-430,2016.4
○ Wei Wei, Dejun Jiang, Sally A. McKee, Jin Xiong and Mingyu Chen, “Exploiting Program Semantics to Place Data in Hybrid Memory”,
The 24th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques(PACT) October 18-21, San Francisco, CA, USA○ Pengfei Zhu, Guangyu Sun, Peng Wang, and Mingyu Chen, “Improving Memory Access Performance of In-Memory Key-Value Store Using Data Prefetching Techniques,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technology (APPT 2015), August 20-21, 2015, Jinan, Shandong, China, pp. 1-7.
○ Zhipeng Wei, Zehan Cui, Mingyu Chen,”Cracking Intel Sandy Bridge’s Cache Hash Function”, arXiv:1508.03767
○ 朱鹏飞,卢天越,陈明宇. 一种多线程程序内存系统模拟器Trace驱动仿真方法. 《计算机研究与发展》, 2015, 52(6): 1266-1277.
○ Sheng Xu,Binzhang Fu,Mingyu Chen,Lixin Zhang,”Flyover: A Cost-Efficient and Scale-Out Data Center Network Architecture”, 24th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) , Las Vegas, USA, August 2015
○ Zhongbin Zha ,Ke Liu , Binzhang Fu and Mingyu Chen,”Optimizing TCP Loss Recovery Performance over Mobile Data Networks”,IEEE International conference on sensing,communication and networking(SECON),Seattle, USA, June 2015.
○ Xiuxia Zhang,Guangming Tan,Mingyu Chen, ” A Reliable Distributed Convolutional Neural Network for Biology Image Segmentation “, 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing,(CCGrid 15), Shenzhen China, May, 2015
○ Erlin Yao, Jiutian Zhang, Mingyu Chen, Guangming Tan, and Ninghui Sun,”Detection of soft errors in LU decomposition with partial pivoting using algorithm-based fault tolerance”,International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, April 5, 2015
○ Long Li, Nongda Hu, Ke Liu, Binzhang Fu, Mingyu Chen and Lixin Zhang, “AMTCP: an Adaptive Multi-path Transmission Control Protocol,” ACM International Conference on Computing Frontier (CF), Ischia, Italy, May 2015.
○ 黄永兵,陈明宇,”移动设备应用程序的体系结构特征分析”,《计算机学报》,2015年,第38卷第2期,第386-396页
○ Wei Wei, Dejun Jiang, Jin Xiong and Mingyu Chen,”HAP: Hybrid-memory-Aware Partition in Shared Last-Level Cache”,The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design(ICCD14),Seoul, Korea, Oct. 19-22, 2014
○ Yongbing Huang, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang,Shihai Xiao,Junfeng Zhao,Zhulin Wei. “Intelligent Frame Refresh for Energy-Aware Display Subsystems in Mobile Devices.”, the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), La Jolla, CA., Aug. 11-13,2014.
○ B. Fu, S. Xu, W. Bao, G. Jiang, M. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Tao, R. He and J. Zhao, “Dandelion: A Locally-High-Performance and Globally-High-Scalability Hierarchical Data Center Network”, the 23rd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2014),Shanghai, China,August 4-7, 2014
○ 李佳佳,张秀霞,谭光明,陈明宇, “选择稀疏矩阵乘法最优存储格式的研究”, 《计算机研究与发展》,Vol. 51 (4), pp 882-894, 2014.
○ 江国龙,付斌章,陈明宇,张立新,”SDN控制器的调研和量化分析”,《计算机科学与探索》2014年6期
○ Lei Liu, Yong Li, Zehan Cui, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Chengyong Wu, “Going Vertical in Memory Management: Handling Multiplicity by Multi-policy”, the 41st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA’14), June 14-18, Minneapolis,MN,USA 2014.
○ Zehan Cui, Sally A. McKee, Zhongbin Zha, Yungang Bao, and Mingyu Chen. 2014. DTail: a flexible approach to DRAM refresh management. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing (ICS ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 43-52.
○ Fei Xia, Dejun Jiang, Jin Xiong, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang, and Ninghui Sun. 2014. DWC: dynamic write consolidation for phase change memory systems. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing (ICS ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 211-220.
○ Zehan Cui, Licheng Chen, Yungang Bao, and Mingyu Chen. 2014. A Swap-based Cache Set Index Scheme to Leverage both Superpage and Page Coloring Optimizations. In Proceedings of the The 51st Annual Design Automation Conference on Design Automation Conference (DAC ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 140 , 6 pages.
○ Zigang Zhang, Yinliang Yue, Binsheng He, Jin Xiong, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang, Ninghui Sun, “Pipelined Compaction for the LSM-tree”, 2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Computing Symposium (IPDPS 2014), May 19-23 2014, Phoenix, USA
○ Tianyue Lu ,Licheng Chen,Mingyu chen,”Achieving Efficient Packet-based Memory System by Exploiting Correlation of Memory Requests”, Design,Automation&Test Europe(DATE),Mar 24-28,2014,Dresden,Germany
○ Yongbing Huang , Mingyu Chen,”Moby: A Mobile Benchmark Suite for Architectural Simulators”,2014 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software(ISPASS), Monterey, CA. USA, March 23-25, 2014
○ Yongbing Huang, Licheng Chen, Zehan Cui, Yuan Ruan, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun,”HMTT: A hybrid hardware/software tracing system for bridging the DRAM access trace’s semantic gap”,ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),Volume 11(1),No.7,2014.2
○ Lei Liu, Zehan Cui, Yong Li, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Chengyong Wu,”BPM/BPM+: Software-based dynamic memory partitioning mechanisms for mitigating DRAM bank-/channel-level interferences in multicore systems”,ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),Volume 11(1),No.5,2014.2
○ WenTao Bao, BinZhang Fu, MingYu Chen, LiXin Zhang, “A High-Performance and Cost-Effcient Interconnection Network for High-Density Servers”,
Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST) ,2014 Vol. 29 (2): 281-292○ LiCheng Chen, MingYu Chen, Yuan Ruan, YongBing Huang, ZeHan Cui, TianYue Lu, YunGang Bao. “MIMS:Towards a Message Interface Based Memory System”,Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST) , 2014,V29(2): 255-272
○ Licheng Chen, Zhipeng Wei, Zehan Cui, Mingyu Chen, Haiyang Pan, Yungang Bao,“CMD: Classification-based Memory Deduplication through Page Access Characteristics”,the 10th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments(VEE14),Salt Lake City, UT,March 1-2,2014
○ Ran Ao,Guangming Tan and Mingyu Chen, “ParaInsight: An assistant for quantitatively analyzing multi-granularity parallel region”,The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (IEEE HPCC-13),Zhangjiajie,China,Nov 13-15,China
○ Wentao Bao,Binzhang Fu,Mingyu Chen and Linxin Zhang,”A High-Performance and Cost-Efficient Interconnection Network for High-Density Servers”,The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (IEEE HPCC-13),Zhangjiajie,China,Nov 13-15,China
○ Licheng Chen, Yanan Wang, Zehan Cui, Yongbing Huang, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen,“Scattered Superpage: A Case for Bridging the Gap between Superpage and Page Coloring”,The 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design,(ICCD),
October 6-9, 2013,Asheville, NC, USA
○ Licheng Chen, Yongbing Huang, Yungang Bao, Guangming Tan, Zehan Cui, Mingyu Chen,”A Study of Leveraging Memory Level Parallelism for DRAM System on Multi-Core/Many-Core Architecture”,The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-13),16-18 July, 2013 Melbourne, Australia
○ Jiajia Li, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun: “SMAT: an input adaptive auto-tuner for sparse matrix-vector multiplication.”, 34th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation(PLDI),June 17, 2013,Seattle, Washington, USA,117-126
○ 李龙,付斌章,陈明宇,张立新,”Nimble:一种适用于OpenFlow网络的快速流调度策略”,《计算机学报》,2015,38(5):1056-1068. DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1016.2015.01056.
○ 吕慧伟 程元 白露 陈明宇 范东睿 孙凝晖,“众核处理器和众核集群的并行模拟”, 《计算>机研究与发展》,2013年第5期,1110~1117页
○ 陈荔城,崔泽汉,包云岗,陈明宇,沈林峰,梁祺,”一种监测函数语义信息访存地址序列的方法”,《计算机研究与发展》,2013年第5期,1100~1109页
○ 吴志敏,吕慧伟,陈明宇,“一个针对并行模拟引擎的性能评测实例”,《计算机科学》,第40卷第3期,第41-45页,2013年3月
○ Licheng Chen, Tianyue Lu, Yanan Wang, Mingyu Chen, Yuan Ruan, Zehan Cui, Yongbing Huang, Mingyang Chen, Jiutian Zhang, Yungang Bao,”MIMS: Towards a Message Interface based Memory System”, arXiv:1301.0051v1 Jan 2013
○ 陈明宇,阮元,黄永兵,陈荔城,崔泽汉,陈明扬,“基于消息的内存系统关键技术研究”,
○ Zhimin Wu, Rui Wang, Weizhi Xu, Mingyu Chen, Erlin Yao: “Supporting User-directed Fault Tolerance over Standard MPI”. ICPADS Poster 2012: 696-697
○ Tao Jiang, Rui Hou, Lixin Zhang, Ke Zhang, Licheng Chen, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun ,”Micro-architectural Characterization of Desktop Cloud Workloads “,IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization(IISWC 2012),November 4-6, 2012 San Diego, CA, USA
○ Zehan Cui, Licheng Chen, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao, Yongbing Huang, Huiwei Lv,”Evaluation and Optimization of Breadth-First Search on NUMA Cluster”, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2012), Beijing, China.,Sep.24-28,2012
○ Yongbing Huang, Zehan Cui, Licheng Chen, Wenli Zhang, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen: HaLock: hardware-assisted lock contention detection in multithreaded applications. Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques(PACT 2012),PP253-262,Minneapolis, MN, USA,September 19-23, 2012
○ Lei Liu, Zehan Cui, Mingjie Xing, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Chengyong Wu: A software memory partition approach for eliminating bank-level interference in multicore systems., Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2012),PP 367-376 , Minneapolis, MN, USA,September 19-23, 2012
○ Jiajia Li, Xingjian Li, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun: An Optimized Large-Scale Hybrid DGEMM Design for CPUs and ATI GPUs, The 26th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing(ICS),San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy, 25-29 June 2012.
○ Huiwei Lv, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen and Ninghui Sun, “Understanding Parallelism in Graph Traversal on Multi-core Clusters”, International Supercomputing Conference(ISC), Hamburg, Germany, June 17–21, 2012.
○ Pengfei Zhu, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao, Licheng Chen, and Yongbing Huang,”Trace-driven Simulation of the Memory System Scheduling in Multithread application”,ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness(MSPC), Beijing China,June 16 2012
○ Erlin Yao, Rui Wang, Mingyu Chen, Guangming Tan, Ninghui Sun,A Case Study of Designing Efficient Algorithm-based Fault Tolerant Application for Exascale Parallelism. Proceeding of the 26th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), ShangHai, China, May 22-24, 2012.
○ Licheng Chen, Zehan Cui,Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Yongbing Huang, Guangming Tan, A Lightweight Hybrid Hardware/Software Approach for Object-Relative Memory Profiling, IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), New Brunswick, NJ, April 1-3, 2012
○ 袁清波,赵健博,陈明宇,孙凝晖,”多核平台共享内存操作系统性能瓶颈分析及解决”,《计算机研究与发展》,2011年第12期,2268~2276页
○ R. Wang, E. Yao, P. Balaji, D. Buntinas, M. Chen and G. Tan. Building Algorithmically Nonstop Fault Tolerant MPI Programs. Proc. of IEEE Internaltional conference on High Performance Computing Conference (HiPC), Bengaluru, India, December 18-21, 2011.
○ Yao, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen: What Hill-Marty model learn from and break through Amdahl’s law? Information Processing Letters(IPL),( 111(23-24): 1092-1095 (2011)
○ Zehan Cui, Yan Zhu, Yungang Bao and Mingyu Chen, A Fine-grained component-level power measurement method, The First International Workshop on Power Measurement and Profiling (PMP 2011) in conjunction with IEEE IGCC, 2011.
○ Linchuan Li, Xingjian Li, Guangming Tan, Peiheng Zhang, Mingyu Chen, Experience of Parallelizing cryo-EM 3D Reconstruction on a CPU-GPU Heterogeneous System, the 20th ACM Symposium on High Performance on Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC’11), June 2011.
○ Licheng Chen, Yongbing Huang, Yungang Bao, Onur Mutlu, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen, Poster: revisiting virtual channel memory for performance and fairness on multi-core architecture. 25th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS) June 2011,pp.379
○ Li Jiajia, Tan Guangming, Chen Mingyu, “Automatically Tuned Dynamic Programming with an Algorithm-by-Blocks”, 16th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems(ICPADS), ShangHai, Dec. 2010
○ Yuan Ruan, Weibing Yang, Mingyu Chen, Jianping Fan, Xiaofang Zhao, “Robust TCP Reassembly with a Hardware-based Solution for Backbone Traffic”. the 5th IEEEInternational Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS), Macau China , July 2010
○ Bo Song, Weibing Yang, Mingyu Chen, Xiaofang Zhao, Jianping Fan, “QTL: An Efficient Scheduling Policy for 10Gbps Network Intrusion Detection System”, The IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’10), Riccione Itlay , June 2010.
○ Bo Song, Weibing Yang, Mingyu Chen, Xiaofang Zhao, Jianping Fan, “Achieving Flow-Level Controllability in Network Intrusion Detection Systems”, 11th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering,
Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing,(SNPD’10) , London UK,June 2010.○ Huiwei Lv, Yuan Cheng, Lu Bai, Mingyu Chen, Dongrui Fan, and Ninghui Sun,”P-GAS: Parallelizing a Cycle-Accurate Event-Driven Many-Core Processor Simulator Using Parallel Discrete Event Simulation”, 24th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principle of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2010) Atlanta, USA,June 2010
○ 杨伟; 陈明宇; 许建卫,”一种时钟级处理器模拟器的快速开发方法”,计算机工程与应用 卷: 46 期: 6 页: 63-66,70,2010
○ Qingbo Yuan, Jianbo Zhao, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun, GenerOS: An Asymmetric Operating System Kernel for Multi-core Systems,IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’10) Atlanta, USA,April 2010
○ Dan Tang, Yungang Bao, Weiwu Hu, Mingyu Chen, DMA Cache: Using On-Chip Storage to Architecturally Separate I/O Data from CPU Data for Improving I/O Performance, the 16th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-16), Jan 2010
○ Jianwei Xu, Mingyu Chen, Gui Zheng, Zheng Cao, Huiwei lv, Ninghui Sun,“SimK: a Parallel Simulation Engine towards Shared-memory Mulitprocessor”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology 24(6):2009.11,p1048-1060
○ 刘立 陈明宇 包云岗 许建卫 樊建平 . 一种基于页面级流缓存结构的流检测和预取算法. 《计算机研究与发展》, 2009, (10): 1758-1768
○ Yao, E., Bao, Y., Tan, G., and Chen, M. 2009. Extending Amdahl’s law in the multicore era. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (Oct. 2009), 24-26.
○ 许建卫,陈明宇,杨伟,潘晓雷,郑规,赵健博,孙凝晖,计算机系统结构模拟器技术和发展,系统仿真学报,2009年第21卷第20期, p6325-63313
○ Qingbo Yuan, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen,Ninghui Sun, “A Scalability Analysis of the Systmetric Multiprocessing Architecture in Multi-core System”, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Networking,Architecture and Storage(NAS’09) ,pp.231-234, Zhangjiajie China, August 2009
○ 许建卫,陈明宇,刘涛,杨伟,郑规,孙凝晖,“一种基于超步执行的并行模拟平台研究与实现”,《系统仿真学报》,第21卷第15期 p4647-4653,,2009年8月
○ 宋 博 陈明宇 樊建平,“一种基于进程执行行为分析的图形界面交互系统性能评测方法”,《计算机学报》, Vol.32 No.7 2009年7月
○ Guangming Tan, Ziyu Guo, Mingyu Chen, Dan Meng,“Single-particle 3D Reconstruction from Cryo-Electron Microscopy Images on GPU”,the 23rd ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS’09) ,IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA,pp.380-389,June 2009
○ Bo Song, Wenli Zhang, Mingyu Chen, Jianping Fan. Effective Performance Prediction for Parallel 3D-FFT. Proceedings of HPC Asia 2009, TaiWan, 2009:374-381
○ Zheng Cao, Jianwei Xu, Mingyu Chen, Gui Zheng, Huiwei Lv, Ninghui Sun. HPPNetSim: A Parallel Simulation of Large-scale Interconnection Network. 42nd Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS),March 22 – 27, 2009 San Diago,USA
○ 孙凝晖 李凯 陈明宇,HPP:一种支持高性能和效用计算的体系结构,《计算机学报》,Vol. 31 No.9 2008, pp 1503-1508
○ 阮元,包云岗,陈明宇,樊建平,基于硬件的内存trace工具——MTT的设计与实现,《电子学报》,Vol36, No.8,2008,pp1519-1525
○ Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen,Yuan Ruan, Li Liu, Qingbo Yuan, Bo Song, Jianwei Xu, Jianping Fan, “HMTT: A Platform Independent Full-System Memory Trace Monitoring System, ACM SIGMETRICS 2008, Annapolis, MD,USA, June 2-6, 2008.
○ Lei Li, Siyuan Liu, Mingyu Chen, Jianping Fan,”Grid Memory Service Architecture for High Performance Computing”,Seventh International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing(GCC),Oct. 2008,P22-27,
○ Li Liu, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao, Jianwei Xu, Jianping Fan,”A Network Memory Architecture Model and Performance Analysis”,International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage, 2008. NAS’08. P177-178
○ 孙小涓,孙凝晖,陈明宇,多核平台上B-NIDS的优化,计算机研究与发展,2007年第10期
○ 包云岗,许建卫,陈明宇,樊建平,一种新型计算机体系结构模拟器的研究与实现 ,《系统仿真学报》, 2007 Vol.19 No.7 P.1471-1475,1522
○ 孙国忠,袁清波,陈明宇,樊建平,用于二级缓存的一种改进的自适应缓存管理算法。计算机研究与发展,44(8),2007,pp1331-1338。
○ 孙国忠; 袁清波; 陈明宇;”LNMS网络内存系统及性能优化技术”,计算机工程 卷:33 期: 24 页: 16-18,2007
○ 曹政; 李磊; 陈明宇,”万兆以太网媒体访问控制层研究”,计算机工程 卷:33 期:17 页: 31-33,42,2007
○ 袁清波; 孙国忠; 陈明宇,”多Markov链预取模型在网络内存系统中的应用”,计算机工程 卷: 33 期: 23 页: 105-107 ,2007
○ 周新亮;孙小涓;赵晓芳;陈明宇,”基于智能网卡的网络数据获取平台优化技术”,计算机应用研究 卷: 24 期: 8 页: 281-286,2007
○ 沈林峰,陈明宇,“一种远程系统调用机制的研究及其应用”,《计算机工程》,2006年6月
○ 张文力,陈明宇,樊建平, HPL测试性能仿真与预测,计算机研究与发展,2006年第43卷第3期 pp557-562
○ LI Lei,CAO Zheng,CHEN Ming-Yu, and FAN Jian-Ping,“A Reconfigurable Optical Interconnect System for DSAG”, the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT05),2005.12
○ Guozhong Sun , Huan Tang, Mingyu Chen, Jianping Fan,”A Scalable Dynamic Network Memory Service System”, the 8th International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia Pacific region (HPCAsia2005), Beijing, 2005.11
○ Wen Gao, Mingyu Chen, Takashi Nanya, “A faster checkpointing and recovery algorithm with a hierarchical storage approach” , the 8th International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia Pacific region (HPCAsia2005), Beijing, 2005.11
○ 杨卫兵; 孙凝晖; 陈明宇; 孙小涓,”曙光4000A中网格路由器的实现”,计算机研究与发展 卷: 42 期: 6 页: 1013-1018 ,2005
○ 朱峻茂; 杨寿保; 樊建平; 陈明宇,”Grid与P2P混合计算环境下基于推荐证据推理的信任模型”,计算机研究与发展 卷: 42 期: 5 页: 797-803
○ 张志斌; 郭莉; 陈明宇; 方滨兴,”一种高效网络数据捕包平台的设计与实现”,计算机工程 卷: 31 期: 20 页: 212-213 ,2005
○ 沈林峰,陈明宇,许建卫,张文力,孙国忠,“兼容Linux应用环境的多粒度全系统模拟器-SandUPSim. ” 《计算机工程与应用》, 2005年10月
○ 许建卫、陈明宇、包云岗,“高带宽远程内存结构中的预取研究”,《计算机科学》,2005年8月
○ 孟丹 张志宏 陈明宇,“高生产率计算系统”,《计算机研究与发展》,2005年第5期,797~803页
○ Zhang Wenli, Chen Mingyu, Fan Jianping. HPL Performance Prevision to Intending System Improvement , International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA 2004). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3358, pp777-782, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2004.12. DOI: 10.1007/b104574.
○ 樊建平、陈明宇,“高性能计算机技术新进展及前沿热点”, 《2004 高技术发展报告》P75-84,科学出版社,北京,2004年3月
○ 樊建平 陈明宇, “网格化的动态自组织高性能计算机体系结构DSAG”, 《计算机研究与发展》,Vol 40, No 12,2003年12月
○ 卫俊平,陈明宇,余智华,郭莉,”高速网络流产生系统”,《计算机应用》,2003年第6期第23卷
○ 韩尚鹏; 赵晓芳; 陈明宇,”一个多任务的智能安全代理平台”,微型机与应用 卷: 22 期: 3 页: 9-11,2003
○ 陈明宇,李国杰,赵延波,张晓霞,“一种可扩展大型E-Mail服务系统的研究与实现”,《计算机研究与发展》,2001年7月。
○ MingYu Chen, Wen Gao, Wensheng Zhang,Lihui Wu ,” The Design of High Availability in the Dawning Server Consolidation System”, Proc. Of IEEE 4th Inter. conf. on HPC in Asia-Pacific region, Beijing , May 2000
- “交互式多功能数字身份令牌”,陈明宇、赵晓芳、胡春光, 专利号02130435.1, 2002.8
- “网格化的动态自组织计算机体系结构”,樊建平、陈明宇、徐志伟,专利号:03142336.1,2003.6
- “一种网络内存服务系统及其构建方法”,孙国忠;樊建平;陈明宇,专利号:ZL200410090698.7
- “一种远程内存服务器及其实现方法”,李磊;樊建平;陈明宇;曹政 ZL200510098390.1
- “一种内存访问信息实时捕获装置及访存信息捕获方法,李磊、陈明宇、曹政、樊建平,专利号200510008612.6,2005.2
- “一种并行模拟器及方法”, 陈明宇;许建卫,专利号:ZL200710304653.9
- “一种模拟器及方法”, 陈明宇;杨伟,专利号: ZL200710308572.6
- 一种操作系统及操作系统管理方法,包云岗、袁清波、陈明宇、马捷,专利号 CN200710308553,3
- “一种访问存储海量并发TCP流的流记录的方法或系统”, 阮元;杨卫兵;刘兴奎;窦晓光;赵晓芳;陈明宇, 专利号:CN201010140863.0
- “一种TCP流重组拼包方法和装置”,阮元;杨卫兵;赵晓芳;陈明宇,专利号:CN201010175954.8
- “软件监测方法、装置以及系统”,王超、余加强、陈明宇、黄永兵、张文力、崔泽汉,专利号:CN201180001455.X,PCT/CN2011/075705
- “内存总线的信号采集装置”,崔泽汉、陈明宇、包云岗、朱晏、张金勇,专利号:CN201110451208.1
- “一种消息式内存访问装置及其访问方法”,陈明宇;阮元;崔泽汉;陈荔城;黄永兵;陈明扬,专利号:CN201210016351.2
- “获取对象级访存行为的方法和装置”,陈荔城、包云岗、崔泽汉、黄永兵、陈明宇,专利号:CN201210017962.8
- “内存地址映射处理方法及多核处理器”,崔泽汉;陈明宇;陈明扬;阮元,专利号:CN201210349302.0
- “内存数据的推送方法及装置”,陈明扬;陈明宇;崔泽汉;陈荔城,专利号:CN201210381338.7
- “一种地址压缩、解压缩的方法、压缩器和解压缩器”,陈明扬;陈明宇;崔泽汉;阮元,专利号:CN201210390245.0
- “压缩内存访问控制方法、装置及系统”,阮元;陈明宇;崔泽汉;黄永兵,专利号:CN201210575114.X
- “内存管理方法、内存管理装置及计算机”, 崔泽汉 陈明宇 陈荔城 黄永兵,专利号:CN201210578708.6
- “基于内存芯片互连的内存访问处理方法、内存芯片及系统”, 黄永兵 陈明宇 阮元 陈荔城, 专利号:CN201210587401.2
- “键值存储系统中构建文件系统的方法、装置及电子设备”,岳银亮,熊劲; 张立新; 陈明宇,专利号:CN201210590105.8
- “一种内存监控方法及相关装置”,崔泽汉;陈明宇;陈荔城;陈明扬,专利号:CN201210591865.0
- “消息处理方法及装置”,胡农达; 付斌章; 陈明宇,专利号:CN201310102374.X
- “内存访问方法及内存系统”,阮元;陈明宇,CN201310152306.4
- “一种内存访问的方法、缓冲调度器和内存模块”; 黄永兵,陈明宇,陈荔城,崔泽汉;专利号:CN201310209787.8
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- “Data Operating Method,Device,And System”, Fei Xia, Mingyu Chen,Dejun Jiang, Jin Xiong, US Patent 11,010,056 B2, 2021.5.18
- "Method for Accessing Extende Memory,Device,and System", Zehan Cui,Mingyu Chen,Yao Liu,Yuan Ruan, US Patent US11,237,728B2, 2022.2.1
- "Method and system for realizing FPGA server" ,Ke Zhang, Yazhou Wang, Mingyu Chen, Yisong Chang, Ran Zhao, BAO Yungang, US Patent 11,841,733,2023.12.12
硕士:沈林峰 周新亮 唐欢 赵健博 潘晓雷 姜玉坤 郭子昱 程元 白露 王忠朴